Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Unseasonably Well

Hello there! 

So, it's the middle of January...and...I'm actually feeling pretty good.  Even though my worst month is February, this month usually signals the start of the downward spiral.  I attribute my sense of wellness to a couple of things.

1. Sunshine and above average temperatures.  One reason winter is so hard on me is that frigid, snowy, icy weather confines me to my home.  I get cabin fever something fierce and it doesn't take more than a few days for the walls to close in around me.  This winter has been mild.  So, I get more sunlight/vitamin D (which is linked to serotonin production) AND I get to leave my house whenever I want to!

2. Copious amounts of Vitamin D.  My naturopathic doctor has prescribed me 5000 IU of Vitamin D each day.  The RDA is 600 IU...but that is a minimum requirement.  I am already D deficient (as diagnosed by TWO different medical MD and my naturopath).  The D helps in two ways.  It is prescribed to help with my hip/joint pain, but again Vitamin D is linked to serotonin production.  This high dose seems to be helping.

3. Reframing.  One element of my depression is the feeling that the cold, cruel, dead winter is endless.  This year, I've noticed that I am reminding myself that I've made it through 32 winters.  And really, I made it through LAST winter and that was one of my worst.  So, I'll make it through this one...I WILL be OK. 

It's nice to feel good.  It may or may not last...but, right now, I'm good... and I'll take it! 

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