Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Great Exhale

You know what my favorite part of Christmas is?  When it's over!  (ba-dum-ch) 

We had a really nice holiday this year, but I feel like I've been holding my breath and pushing through for the last 6 weeks (if not longer).  The stress deposited into my muscles.  They clinched involuntarily.  I forgot to breathe.  Pressure built and built.  The roller coaster climbed to it's highest height and then finally... it was Christmas Day.  We celebrated.  It was over. 

The day after Christmas is my very favorite day of the year.  It's like someone has pushed a release valve on a pressure cooker.  I feel warm and peaceful and still.  My shoulders are jaw is relaxed...I am smiling and full of hope for the coming year.  It won't last.  It never does.  But today I resolve to enjoy The Great Exhale.  I will revel in the calm and appreciate the warm glow of possibility as the New Year approaches. 

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