Monday, September 2, 2013

State Of The Struggle Address: September 2013

It's been over nine months since I began my intentional endeavor to work on my mental/physical health.  Since then I've learned more about my body and what makes it work/not work.  Many of the modifications I've made to my lifestyle have been easy to maintain...others...not so much.  What's most exciting is that I am beginning to be OK with realizing that transforming my life to promote optimal physical and mental health is going to be a marathon and not a sprint. 

Some positive new developments:

1. I pretty much do not eat nightshade vegetables, potatoes, wheat based pasta, dairy (except my allowed cheeses and yogurt) pork, red meat, or shellfish...EVER.  They're on my list of items not to consume...and I've avoided them except for the odd occasion.

 2. For the most part I've eliminated beer and mixed drinks from my diet.  I've also cut out most soft drinks.  My sister introduced me to a lightly flavored seltzer water that is a great substitute for soda and has no sugar or artificial flavorings.

 3. My depression is MUCH MUCH better.  I've been taking my medicine religiously and working very hard to avoid stress (although it finds me!).  I'm hardly ever manifesting rage and have been able to enjoy my family in a more complete way.

 4. School has started and I am back to work.  The new rhythm that my family is finding seems very positive.

 Some things that need work:

1. After work, especially, I still DESIRE and often consume extra food.  I am not really hungry or craving anything, it's just a habit...kind of an exhale from my day.  I'm trying to combat this by packing a healthy (but desirable) snack in my lunch for after school

2. I've gotten back into the sugar habit again (and refined flour buns for hot dogs and burgers...turkey of course).  I was doing so well.  I don't even really want it anymore, it's just a habit, like muscle memory.  The only thing I can do about it at this point is to pray and to try my best to form new habits to take the place of eating sugar. 

3. I haven't starting exercising regularly yet.  My husband just helped to clear the space for my at-home yoga studio this weekend.  At 9:00pm, I plan to go upstairs to do 30 min of yoga each weeknight.  It should help me unwind and get ready for bed.  I was supposed to try and fit yoga in between work and picking the kids up from school, but yoga isn't going to fit into the schedule at that time.

4.  I'm having physical anxiety symptoms.  My mind is fine and I am not really actively worrying about anything, but my body is still taking a hit whenever stress presents itself.  I think yoga and meditation will help. 

So, that's what's going on in my fight to stay sane and healthy.  Overall, I am happy with how things are going.  Yes, there are things that need improvement, but I'll do what I can and continue on this journey one choice at a time.

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