Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Timing Is Everything

NOTE: Because I have a handful of small ideas to communicate, I'm posting in bullet form today!  Yay!  All of the bullets are tied together by the concept of timing. 

Most of us have had experience with good timing, bad timing, tragic timing, etc.  It's weird how our perception of an event can change around it's relation to timing.  Here are a few things going on in my world that are effected by timing.

  • My naturopath and I chatted about the timing of one of my supplements.  I had been taking it in the morning and then again around 3:00, but I was getting REALLY sleepy around dinner time.  We changed the 2nd dose to bed time.  HUGE difference.  I am falling asleep more easily and waking up with more pep than normal.  Timing

  • Last week some stress came into our lives in the form of a 2nd van break in (in a 30 day span). Timing.  We woke up at 3am to the sound of our car alarm and went outside to find the window smashed to a billion pieces and the window frame bent out of shape.  The previous break in had resulted in a missing ignition and busted steering column.  Needless to say we had to spend tons of money on repairs.  Though the anti theft features of our vehicle were preventing theft, the thieves were still able to make two, big, expensive messes in the meantime. 

  • In order to prevent further damage, we decided it was prudent to trade our big, lovely van in for something that fit into our small garage.  This was a tough call as we had JUST paid off the van in June.  The trade in value is MUCH, MUCH less than the pay off value, so it feels like we threw away our money paying off the van.  I don't think that the trade in value of the van would have been such a slap in the face if we hadn't JUST paid it off.  Timing.

  • My former foster kids are going to be at church this Sunday (some friends at church are providing respite for them).  While we will be upbeat and positive when we see them, I have no idea what this is going to do to me on the inside.  I shared in a previous post that our foster placement was pretty rough and the end was even rougher.  I'm just starting to feel better and take some intentional steps to accept grace.  It's impossible to know what impact this will have until it happens.  On the flip side, it's been over a year since we've seen them. If they had attended church at any time before this, I can be QUITE certain that I would need to be hospitalized for a nervous breakdown.  Timing.
Whatever the timing, I can know this...we'll make it through.  My adrenal fatigue will be treated...we will be happy with the new SUV we traded the van for...I will be able to bounce back from seeing my former foster kids.  We've endured worse circumstances and will be faced with worse circumstances in the future.  God has always gotten us through.  I've learned that the most important blessing He can give me when the road of life gets bumpy is His peace. 

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