Thursday, April 21, 2011

What I Learned

  1. There are more reasons than I thought for abusing sugar. In the beginning of the fast I assumed that I used sugar for comfort mostly. As it turns out, I found myself equally being tempted to indulge in sweet treats for approval...or really to avoid disapproval.

  2. Sugar is a ridiculous presence in our country and it is going to take God's strength and the Spirit's conviction to emancipate me from my servitude to sugar.

  3. Without God filling the void that sugar leaves, I will just be inclined to fill it with something else...thus the instruction on avoiding snacking.

  4. On as less spiritual note, I discovered that sugar is not necessarily the culprit of my "ample waistline". After fasting sugar for 42 days and generally avoiding snacking for about half of that time, I did not see ANY evidence on the scale. I would like to reiterate that I did NOT fast sugar for weight loss...but I honestly expected to see evidence of my sugar worship disappearing from my body. I feel less puffy...but the numbers don't lie. So, I either need to discover what other food strongholds there are in my life or see a doctor about an underlying medical reason for my high weight.

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