Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fight to the Finish

I WANT SUGAR SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!!! I want ice cream and brownies and chocolate ANYTHING. This is AWFUL!

I can't pinpoint any emotional reason for this current agony. There isn't any blatant spiritual reason that I crave. I think I just know that Easter is coming soon. Having my goal on the horizon is pushing my endurance. Endurance is a skill where I am laughably weak. So, I continue to reap lessons from participating in the sugar fast.

In a spirit of thankfulness, I am glad that the entire fast hasn't been this gut wrenching. I am going to be compelled to pray now more than ever that God will help me honor this fast until Easter. I am going to need my community to come along side me and help me limp across the sugar free finish line.

Added challenges:
1. my husband's family is celebrating Easter on Saturday. After talking with Mark I have decided to stay true to the Lenten season and go all the way until Sunday.

2. I am in charge of desserts for Easter. I will be making a coconut chocolate cheese cake and strawberry cream cheese cake truffles. None of which I get to taste until Sunday. I will have to rely on the trustiness of my recipes and my poor husbands VERY indecisive palate to ensure Easter dessert success.

Friends I implore you to pray for me and if you see me going for tough with's for the good of my soul to let God work in me as I let go of my dependence on sugar.

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