Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Resolve

My new posture toward sugar is simple. Sugar is a "sometimes" food. It is a sweet gift from God, but not designed to be enjoyed every day (multiple times a day).

I plan to celebrate holidays and special occasions with the sweet treats associated with them. I will not be celebrating random holidays as a means to get more desserts...Talk Like a Pirate day does not necessitate a holiday celebration dessert.

If I am going to partake I am going to make sure it is a dessert quality. Little Debbie snacks are NOT high quality! Soda is NOT high quality!

I am absolutely planning to avoid sugar substitutes. This is something that I did before the fast, but I have an even stronger resolve to stick with the "real" thing and not a laboratory created facsimile of God's sugary kindness. I will be experimenting with more natural sugars than "white sugar" like honey, turbinado, cane juice, maple syrup, and agave as well as using fruit for it's sweetness.

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