Monday, May 5, 2014


Over a year ago, I started the process of healing from adrenal fatigue.  There have been countless positive changes to my health and well being.  Lately there is a new change in my body that I am super excited about...I am getting full when I eat...and staying full until the next meal. This may be a sensation that you take for granted, but the feeling of satisfaction after a meal is a new experience for me.

Leptin is the hormone that sends signals to the brain when the stomach is full.  There are several causes for leptin deficiency.  Firstly, eating too much processed food too quickly is usually the impetus for leptin to start getting wacky.  So, we find yet another reason why Americans keep fighting this battle with unwanted weight.  As a teacher (and my whole life as a student) I have 20 minutes to eat lunch. That's it.  I have to eat fast or I don't eat at all, this habit follows me as I inhale breakfast and slurp down dinner.  So, the stage has been set for me to have this issue for decades.

Secondly, jacked up cortisol, zinc deficiency (which I am also being treated for), and low serotonin (depression much) can all contribute to the inability to feel full during a meal. When ya don't get full, guess keep on eating...and guess gain weight...and guess what... the hormones spiral more and more out of control.

With the help of my doctor, my naturopath, and my therapist, we've been working toward restoring my body to a healthier state.  In the last few months I've noticed that it doesn't take nearly as much food to make me feel full.  AND...if I keep pressing on after I am full, I feel AWFUL for up to a day later.  This gross feeling that comes from overeating is a GIANT deterrent against cleaning my plate (or overloading it in the first place).

I haven't placed myself on a scale for months, so I'm not sure whether or not my weight is being effected by this new biological change.  Whether or not my waistline responds, I am thankful for this new sign that my body is getting back into its intended balance.  

NOTE: The ability to feel full has brought up some weird heart/mind issues for me...more on that a different day.

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