Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lenten Fast 2015: Facebook

We belong to a church that is not super specific about the Lenten fast. It's always been my understanding that I could choose to forgo anything that gets in the way of  my relationship with God. In the past I've given up sugar, screen time, and unsuccessfully tried to fast from complaining. This year I'm choosing to give up Facebook for Lent.

The internets like to make fun of people who give up things like Facebook for Lent. Well, the internets can sit on a tack! As an extrovert who was a stay at home mom for many years, I've come to depend on this website VERY heavily for human interaction. I am definitely going to "feel the sting" of being removed from my beloved social media site and spiritual growth is likely to happen.

Why Facebook: It's for my own good. First, I can't seem to stay out of trouble on this website. I try REALLY hard not to comment on people's controversial timeline stuff, but try as I may, I still often end up in trollish debates with a person who is a friend of my friend. In real life, I would not give a rat's ass what that friend of a friend thinks about my opinions...but put it on Facebook and I care a great deal. Secondly, I tie my worth to how many "likes" my statuses and blog post receive. Not always, but too often to be healthy.

The way that I interact with social media in turn effects my mental health. I get all worked up. My deep seeded need for approval and validation bubbles to the surface and I am miserable. No website should make me feel depressed and's ridiculous. God has placed a holy soul in my inmost self, good brain in my head and wonderful, encouraging relationships in my life. I let a stupid website come along and completely invalidate all of that.

What it is: 
  • Very simply, I cannot go on Facebook from 9:oopm on Wednesday, February 18th until after Easter service on Sunday, April, 5th. There are no times when I am allowed to log in and check my timeline...just The plan was to deactivate my account so that I wouldn't be tempted. However, I use several sites which require me to log on using my Facebook account. I don't want the drama of creating a bunch of new passwords and logins. To help myself stick to the fast, I plan to remove the app from my phone and put a super short timer on my laptop (so I can still tap into the account if I need to sign onto linked websites)
  • Because I primarily share my blog via Facebook, I still intend to use it to that end. When I do a Facebook share, I don't really go onto the site, I just send the link to my timeline via blog page. Because I don't have an opportunity to see or interact with people's timelines, I'm going to allow it. 
  • I've let people in my life know that they can contact me by email or text.

What it ain't:

  • I am not intending to circumvent the fast by building up my Twitter account or whatever the hell else there is by way of social media. 
  • Pinterest will be allowed because I don't really use it as social media. It's more of a Google search shortcut for me. No drama. Just recipes and home decor. 

In undertaking this fast, I am not trying to say that Facebook is evil. It's neutral. The way I sometimes use it, it can be harmful to my heart. I have allowed people that I don't know to injure me on a soul level. I have allowed people who are meant for relationship to define my ultimate worth, God should be affecting me on a soul level...He should be determining my worth.

Lent. It's a thing.