Saturday, December 27, 2014

You Say You Want A Resolution 2015

Wow, 2015 begins next week. That year seems very futuristic to the setting for a sci-fi novel. More than that, I can hardly believe how quickly time has passed. Do you realize that the whole End of the World in 2012 thing was TWO WHOLE years ago? That's crazy. It seems like we JUST did that. I honestly believe that time has started moving faster...a year just isn't what it used to be.

So here we are at the end of 2014 and looking ahead to 2015. That means it's resolution time! Most Americans are all about New Year's Resolutions...until the 2nd week of January! In order to combat that short lived enthusiasm, I decided last year to choose some kind of large, overarching goals and make small choices in order to begin meeting those goals.  I think it's healthy to set goals and I also think it's healthy to allow our goals to be flexible. As I use my blog to gaze into the New Year, I will begin this post by reviewing how I did with my 2014 Resolutions.

First I resolved to do what I want to do instead of caving to unhelpful societal, cultural, and familial norms. I'd say I did OK with that, though it's kind of a hard goal to measure. I did find myself saying "no" more often and I think that's a good thing. Instead of finding things to fill my calendar, I spent more time at home and in my yoga pants. Overall, that made for a pretty chill year, which I desperately needed.

Secondly, I resolved to let my children sort out their own differences without intervening every time. Meh, that one was trickier. Little Brother is a giant crybaby/tattle tale/tantrum thrower. He's generally difficult to ignore when he is in conflict. We are trying to teach him about emotional regulation, but we still have a lot of work to do. Additionally, Big Brother thinks it's HILARIOUS to get his brother all worked, there's that.

Lastly, I resolved to take myself less seriously. Again, this goal is kind of challenging to measure, but I'd say there has been some progress here. Actually, I like this concept so much I am going to add it to my 2015 Resolutions. Learning to be more forgiving of myself and more accepting of my humanity is likely going to take my entire lifetime...I'm choosing to be OK with that.

So, last year there was some improvement in my life. Not a crazy life changing moment, rather a small series of choices that made my life more enjoyable.

And now ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my 2015 New Year's Resolutions!

1. I again resolve to take myself less seriously. Primarily, I am going to look for more opportunities to laugh and play. Laughter and play are medically proven to relieve stress. Frankly, I am just weary of being so damn serious all the time. I've been on the serious side since I was a kid...I'm over it. Yes, it's important to be responsible and know when to take care of business. I know that I am capable of doing that and now I desire to ENJOY my life as well.

2. I resolve to regularly add yoga into my daily routine. Yes, this is an exercise resolution. Most medical and natural health experts are in agreement that practicing yoga is good for people who have my particular mix of depression and anxiety (plus I have jacked up hips from birthing enormous babies and yoga is a good way to help with that). I feel SOOOO good when I am practicing yoga...I just have to make a concerted effort to add it into my life on a regular basis. Last summer I set up a little studio in my attic and practiced a mere handful of times.

I found some articles about sticking to a new exercise routine and found one that suggested that exercise can more easily become a habit if you commit to doing no MORE than 30 minutes per day. As an "all or nothing" person, this mindset works for me. Rather than going all in and trying to be the best yogi I can be, I can just do a small amount every day.

So, that's it. There is not a #3...I was going to make three because that seems like a good number...then I decided...I don't wanna.

Happy New Year everyone!!!